For example, the Danube Cycle Path, Europe's largest long-distance cycle route, runs right through the district. With his regional luggage he has cultural and historical gems like the pilgrimage church Halbmeile or the Benedictine monasteries Metten and Niederaltaich. On the way there is always the opportunity to change banks and thus take a new perspective. There is a modern ferry in Stephansposching and a cozy ferry in Niederalteich only for cyclists and pedestrians. In Deggendorf, an architecturally beautiful and particularly long bike bridge spans the Danube. A visit to the historic city center with its listed ensembles is just as worthwhile as strolling through the Danube Park, which was created as part of a state horticultural show.
Der Isarradweg verläuft von München über Landshut und begleitet die letzten besonders bezaubernden Kilometer des Alpenflusses, bevor er bei Deggendorf in die Donau mündet. In Plattling rauscht der Fluss noch über die Sohlschwelle, wo Kajakfahrer und Surfer ihre Fähigkeiten zeigen. Wenig später wird aus der Isar ein weitverzweigtes Delta mit einer einzigartigen Auenlandschaft. Diesen interessanten Lebensraum kann man per Rad, aber auch zu Fuß erkunden. Informationen dazu gibt es im Infozentrum Isarmündung, das mit Spielstationen, Aussichtsplattformen und Spähtürmen Kinderherzen höherschlagen lässt.
The Vilstal cycle path is particularly suitable for a leisurely bike tour. Above all, the originality of the river and the small towns make the path an experience. Those who are attracted to the chain of hills in the nearby Bavarian Forest can also take a trip to this region. On the Danube-Ilz cycle path, for example, you can do this in a relaxed manner even without electrical assistance. Because the bike path runs on an abandoned railway line and therefore scores with a very moderate increase.