© Kaiserstuhl © Gottfried Reidler - stock.adobe.com


Sunny Southwest: Hiking and cycling in a sea of vines

Kaiserstuhl (Black Forest)

(djd) Searching for your next vacation destination, sun-kissed regions with a mediterranean climate can also be found in Germany. Various flora and fauna as well as an appealing winegrower cuisine characterise the Kaiserstuhl region in the outermost southwest of Germany around Freiburg. The low mountain range of volcanic origin are characterised by various hills that rise from the Rhine plain like green islands. It is home to rare animals such as the praying mantis, green lizard and the hoopoe. Vines have grown on fertile loose ground since Roman times. Today here, together with Tuniberg, a third of the Baden region wine is produced.

© Der Kaiserstuhlpfad, zweitschönster Wanderweg Deutschlands 2019, führt Wanderer durch das vulkanische Mittelgebirge im sonnigen Südwesten. Foto: djd/Naturgarten Kaiserstuhl/Fichter
  • Der Kaiserstuhlpfad, zweitschönster Wanderweg Deutschlands 2019, führt Wanderer durch das vulkanische Mittelgebirge im sonnigen Südwesten. Foto: djd/Naturgarten Kaiserstuhl/Fichter

Excellent hiking

Be active and feast - this can be easily combined in wine-growing areas with numerous cycling and hiking trails. The 400-kilometre hiking trail network also includes the Kaiserstuhlpfad. Certified as "Qualitätsweg Wanderbares Deutschland" and named the second most beautiful hiking trail in Germany by the "Wandermagazin" readers in 2019, the route leads you through natural paths, alleyways and vineyards. The 20-kilometre tour from Endingen via Katharinenberg, Eichelspitzturm and Neulindenturm to Ihringen can also be completed in individual sections.

© Wie grüne Inseln erheben sich die Anhöhen des Kaiserstuhls aus der Rheinebene und laden dazu ein, genussvoll aktiv zu sein. Foto: djd/Naturgarten Kaiserstuhl/Schumacher
  • Wie grüne Inseln erheben sich die Anhöhen des Kaiserstuhls aus der Rheinebene und laden dazu ein, genussvoll aktiv zu sein. Foto: djd/Naturgarten Kaiserstuhl/Schumacher

Orchids in Liliental

Cyclists are also rewarded with far-reaching views over the Black Forest and the Vosges, as well as with the culinary delights awaiting them in the traditional vineyards and inns. You can reach Tuniberg through fruit plantations, vineyards and twelve winemaking villages on the Kaiserstuhl cycle path, which is around 60 kilometres long and can also be completed in individual stages. The challenging Kaiser tour takes you through the inner Kaiserstuhl and requires advanced skills. The 190 kilometre cycle path network has the right tour for everyone - from cycling enthuasiasts to leisure e-bikers. Liliental with its orchids and 60 year-old impressive mammoth trees also promises a wonderful experience.

© Genussradeln oder Mountainbiken: Der Kaiserstuhl bietet auf 190 Kilometern ausgeschildertem Radwegenetz für jeden etwas. Foto: djd/Naturgarten Kaiserstuhl/Petra Littner
  • Genussradeln oder Mountainbiken: Der Kaiserstuhl bietet auf 190 Kilometern ausgeschildertem Radwegenetz für jeden etwas. Foto: djd/Naturgarten Kaiserstuhl/Petra Littner
© Aussichtsreiche Rebterrassen prägen die Landschaft rund um Kaiserstuhl und Tuniberg. Foto: djd/Naturgarten Kaiserstuhl/Schumacher
Tour tips

Click the link to download many other route tips and routes as a GPX file, as well as interesting information on the special landscape features of the region.

More hikes at Kaiserstuhl